Diplomas, Prizes, Awards, and Stars!
1. Where can I find my diploma and how do I get it?
Diplomas are published in the participant’s personal account after the competition results have been finalized. You can only download the diploma from the child’s personal account. To do this, you need to log in either under the child’s credentials or the representative’s credentials.
In the child’s personal account, click the “Diplomas” icon to display all available diplomas (located at the bottom of the page).
If a representative has multiple children, you need to access each child’s personal account separately and download each child’s diploma individually.
2. I don’t see my diploma yet.
Diplomas are published only for completed competitions where results have been finalized. Check the release date of your diploma in the Rules of the specific competition in the “Competitions” section. Different competitions have different diploma release dates.
If you accidentally posted a non-competition entry, your work was not entered into a contest. Consequently, no diploma will be issued. Competition entries must be submitted via the competition section, and each entry is labeled “Participated in the competition” with a voting button.
3. How do I add or change the name of a teacher, parent, or school in the diploma?
In the “Diplomas” section of the child’s personal account, select the diploma that needs editing. Click “Edit” and make any changes or add any data in the “Teacher” or “School” field as you want them to appear on the diploma.
After making changes, download the updated diploma again.
4. I have multiple entries in one competition. How many diplomas do I get?
Only one diploma is issued per competition, regardless of the number of entries submitted. The diploma’s status is determined by the highest rating of any of the entries. For example, if you submit 10 entries for one competition and one of them makes it to the finals, you’ll receive a “finalist” diploma (not a “participant” one).
5. If I participate in multiple competitions, how many diplomas do I get?
You will receive one diploma per competition. If you participate in three competitions, you will receive three diplomas.
6. Who receives prizes and when? How do I get a prize? What will it be?
Prizes are awarded to winners in competitions that specifically include prizes in their rules. Information about prizes can be found in the rules of each competition by clicking the “Rules” button.
At the organizers’ discretion, prizes may be changed or additional prizes may be awarded to certain participants. If a competition includes prizes, they are awarded after the diplomas are published. The organizers will send information about the timing and procedure for delivering prizes to the representative’s email within 15 days after the diplomas are issued.
Information about the type of prizes can be found in the competition rules. If the prizes are certificates, they will be sent to the child’s representative’s email.
7. What does a winner receive?
Winners receive diplomas with the corresponding honorary status, and a medal icon is assigned to their entry. When people visit your profile, they’ll see your high-quality submissions.
The winning entry is published in the competition results. Winners’ works are listed under “Winners” in the search filter in the general feed of works.
8. What does a finalist receive?
Finalists receive diplomas with the corresponding honorary status, and their entries are marked with a gold star. When people visit your profile, they’ll see your high-quality submissions.
Winning entries are listed under “Winners” in the search filter in the general feed of works.
9. What do the winners of the audience vote receive?
Winners of the audience vote receive a “Winner of the Audience Vote” diploma, and their entries are labeled with a “thumbs up” icon. The winning entry is published in the competition results.
10. How are winners and finalists determined?
Winners and finalists are determined solely based on the jury’s evaluations. Our platform’s mission is not to select the “best” but to give children a free opportunity to showcase their creativity in a competition format and to encourage the development of their talents.
11. Who is entitled to a prize? Will I get a prize?
Usually, prizes are awarded to the winners only in those competitions where they are specified in the competition rules. Prizes may not be included in all competitions.
General Questions
1. How do I register to submit an entry? How do I become a Representative to add works and participants? How do I add participants?
Register and sign in at: https://african-talents.com/App/Account/Registration
To submit an entry, an adult representative of the child must first register, then create one or more child accounts, and finally upload works.
Step 1: Go to your personal account by clicking on the icon with your name in a circle in the top-right corner of the screen.
Step 2: If your status is “Guest,” click the “Become a Representative” button. Complete the adult representative’s form (required fields are marked with an asterisk).
Step 3: After you achieve “Representative” status, click “Add Participant” in your personal account.
2. How do I access the representative’s personal account?
To access the representative’s personal account (your own personal account), click the icon with your name in a circle in the top-right corner of the screen (this is only visible if you are logged into the system).
3. How do I access the child’s personal account?
To access the child’s personal account, log in (authenticate) using either the child’s login or the representative’s login (usually the representative’s email).
A representative can access the personal accounts (profiles) of all their children from their own personal account. The children’s profiles are displayed in the representative’s personal account (the person who registered and filled out the children’s forms).
To access the representative’s account, click the icon with your name in the top-right corner (visible only if you are logged in).
4. How do I submit an entry to a competition?
Go to the “Competitions” section and choose the competition you’re interested in. Read the rules carefully. Click on “Submit Work to the Competition.”
To submit a child’s work to the competition, you first need to fill out the Representative’s form and the Child’s form (if you haven’t done so already). These required forms will appear automatically when you click “Submit Work to the Competition.”
Approved entries are published on the website within 24 hours after moderation. Please note that official competition entries will have the label “Competition work.” All competition entries have a voting button.
If your post doesn’t have the “Competition work” label, you may have submitted it to the general feed instead, or it was not approved for the competition and was moved to the general feed.
5. How can I find my entry?
Option 1: View your participants’ works in your personal account.
Option 2: In the feed’s search bar, enter the participant’s name.
Option 3: View your participants’ works in the specific competition section under “View Competition Entries.”
Option 4: Open the feed and click the circle labeled “Me” at the top if you have added participants.
Approved entries are published on the website within 24 hours after moderation. Remember that competition entries must have “Competition work” on the label. All competition entries have a voting button.
6. Which works are accepted, and which are rejected?
A work must be creative and well-prepared according to the child’s abilities, created by the designated participant, and preferably recorded in good quality with good lighting.
We do not accept works containing aggression, cruelty, images or symbols of death, occultism, or those featuring vulgarity, profanity, insults, or disrespect toward other nationalities and cultures, as well as anything that could have a negative psychological impact or show cruelty or careless treatment of animals. We do not accept works containing nudity or sexual content. Submissions should be well-prepared, aesthetic, and preferably of good quality.
Posts advertising goods and services are not allowed. For advertising inquiries, email: africanttalentscom@gmail.com.
Works that do not comply with our rules may be removed by the moderator at any time. We also carefully review user complaints.
7. My work didn’t appear on the website.
Approved works are published on the website within 24 hours after moderation. If your posted work is still missing, it likely did not pass moderation.
8. My work won’t upload. What can I do?
Try using a different browser or device. Check all requirements for the work’s file size and format. You cannot upload a photo and a video at the same time.
All works go through pre-moderation, so they may not appear right away or may be rejected if they do not meet the portal’s rules.
9. How do I upload a video?
To upload a video, you first need to upload it to YouTube, then include the link in your post. Be sure to select “Video for kids,” “Public access,” or “Unlisted,” as well as “Publish now.” The video may not be available immediately. You can check if it’s working by pasting the link into your browser’s search bar.
10. I forgot my password.
Use the login and password you created during registration to access the system. If you have forgotten your password, use the “Recover Password” option — the reset link will be sent to the email address you used to register.
11. There is no “Competition work” label on my entry. No voting button.
It’s possible you posted your entry to the general feed rather than the competition. In this case, you can re-upload your entry to the appropriate competition and delete the previous version.
Competition section to submit entries: https://african-talents.com/App/Contests/Contests
12. Is registration required to vote?
We strive to keep voting as fair as possible. To reduce automated “bot” voting, all users who wish to vote must go through a quick registration process.
Quick Viewer Registration: https://african-talents.com/App/Account/Registration
13. When I try to submit an entry to a competition, the Child’s form appears.
In order to add a child’s work, you first need to complete the child’s form. Only after completing the child’s form can you submit a work to the competition.
14. When I try to submit an entry to a competition, I see a “Child Representative Registration” page.
To add a child’s work, you first need to fill out the Representative’s form and the Child’s form. Only after completing both forms can you submit an entry to the competition.
15. How do I move a work from the general feed to a competition?
You can only re-upload the work under the chosen competition in the “Competitions” section: https://african-talents.com/App/Contests/Contests
16. Where can I find the competition results, and how do I get the diploma?
You can find the competition results in the competition section where you submitted your work, by clicking on “Competition Results.” Diplomas will be available in the child’s personal account once the competition results are in.
You can check the approximate date for the competition results in the description of each specific competition after it has ended.
17. How and who decides the winners?
The method of selecting winners is described in the rules of each specific competition. Typically, winners and finalists are chosen by jury members. Winners of the audience vote are determined by the public voting results.
18. Can I change the text or image of an already published entry?
You cannot modify the text of a published entry or replace the file. Please upload the works again with the new text and file.
19. There is a mistake in the child’s name on the diploma. How can I fix it?
You can correct the child’s name on the diploma yourself. Go to your personal account, open the child’s profile in “Settings.” Change the data to the correct information, then download the updated diploma.
20. I can’t log in; an “Error” appears.
An authorization error occurs if the password is entered incorrectly. You can reset your password by clicking “Forgot Password?”
21. I can’t save the child’s form.
If the child’s form doesn’t save after clicking “Add,” try only filling in the required fields marked with an asterisk. Avoid inserting very long text in the free-form fields.
22. How do I delete a work?
Log in to your personal account and go to the child’s profile. Select the work you want to remove. In the upper-right corner of that post, click the three dots and choose “Delete.”
23. How do I rotate a work?
Log in to your personal account and open the child’s profile. Select the work you want to rotate. Use the arrow icons under the work to rotate the image.
24. How do I share a post with friends or forward an entry?
It’s very simple. At the bottom of the post, click the arrow icon to forward it.
25. On my smartphone, when creating a post and clicking “Upload,” it defaults to the camera rather than the photo gallery. What should I do?
Some smartphone models have these default settings, and they cannot be changed.
26. How do I report someone else’s work?
If you believe a work is inappropriate, violates our rules, or have evidence that it was not created by the person who posted it, please submit a complaint. In the upper-right corner of the post, click the three dots and select “Complain.” Be sure to include a comment describing the nature of your complaint.
27. I’m having trouble, and my question isn’t listed here.
We recommend trying a different device (smartphone or PC) or another browser (for PC). You can also contact support.
28. How are entries evaluated?
Each competition and each work is evaluated by several independent jury members specializing in different fields. The evaluation of each work is based on the overall average score of all jury members.
If a participant has multiple entries in one competition, the scores are not combined. Each entry is evaluated separately, and the diploma reflects the status of the entry with the highest score.
Factors that may influence the evaluation of a work:
1. How well the work matches the competition theme, category, and format (photo/video).
2. Compliance with the rules and criteria stated in each specific competition.
3. The quality of the photo or video and sound. It’s difficult for the jury to accurately
evaluate an online entry with low-quality images or sound.
4. The aesthetic quality of the image or video.
5. Having a title for the work and a brief description. Clear and meaningful comments
about the work: how, when, and with what materials it was created, etc.
6. The number of works the participant has in this area, to understand the level,
independence, and experience.
7. Additional information about the participant in their profile (interests, hobbies,
experience, etc.).
You can report a technical error or malfunction by providing detailed information about the issue so we can address it. You can also leave feedback, suggestions, and proposals regarding our portal.
Answers to frequently asked questions will be updated and published in this section. We do not respond to questions whose answers can be found in the “Q&A” section; such requests may be closed.
Your messages will be processed to help improve the portal and the overall project. We wish you creative success and a pleasant experience on our platform!